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Apex Dynamics sponsors the winning team in the ECO-marathon

Apex Dynamics sponsored the winning school team from Fontys in the exciting ECO Marathon, where automotive engineering students compete to build the most energy-efficient car. Thanks to the support of Apex Dynamics, the team achieved impressive results. This article highlights how the sponsorship enhanced the team’s performance, the dynamic collaboration between Apex Dynamics and the team, and their inspiring journey from design to victory.

The role of Apex Dynamics in the ECO Marathon

The ECO Marathon is an annual competition that pushes automotive engineering students to their limits. The goal is simple but challenging: Cover the most distance within a set time with the least energy consumption. The competition attracts participants from various universities and offers a unique learning experience for students. They have three months to build the most efficient car, which they then race against other teams from the region on the circuit in Lelystad.

Apex Dynamics played a crucial role in the success of Go Team! Fontys Eindhoven. With a limited budget, of which half was provided by the university, Apex’s sponsorship covered the remaining amount. Team captain Nickolas Georgiou emphasized:

“Apex sponsored us completely and gave us the financial support we needed to start our project. This allowed the team to fully concentrate on designing and building our car without the distraction of seeking multiple sponsors. Having a single sponsor, in our case, Apex Dynamics, created a calm and relaxed atmosphere, as I couldn’t imagine having to satisfy nine different sponsors”


Seamless Collaboration and Innovation in Building the Car

The journey from designing the car to race day was full of challenges. Obtaining high-quality parts within the current budget was a significant hurdle. However, the timely financial support from Apex enabled the team to order crucial components from abroad, ensuring they arrived just in time for the race. “Their support was crucial and allowed us to integrate advanced steering mechanisms and other innovations. This support was essential to set us apart from other teams” – Nickolas Georgiou.

The collaboration and communication between the team and Apex Dynamics were seamless. The team kept Thom van Oss, director of Apex Dynamics, updated on their progress weekly and invited him to workshop in Eindhoven and the circuit for the final race. This continuous communication fostered strong cooperation and kept the team motivated to excel in the race and during the car’s construction. The team’s innovative approach to designing the car played a key role in their success. The advanced steering mechanism, designed to minimize braking and maximize energy efficiency, was a standout feature. Although the team didn’t use products from Apex, their financial support allowed them to focus on optimizing other crucial aspects of the car, such as reducing rolling resistance and improving aerodynamics.

The Success of the ECO Marathon

Winning the ECO Marathon was a huge relief. ” We knew we were a big competitor in the race, but winning it felt amazing ” – Nikolas Georgiou. The team’s hard work and dedication were rewarded with first place. Apex Dynamics played an important role in this victory and celebrated the success with the team at the circuit. “Thom and Stef were there, taking photos and witnessing everything that happened on race day. It was really fun” – Nikolas Georgiou.

The team looks forward to future competitions and opportunities for further innovation. They aim to mentor future teams and share their experience and knowledge to help them achieve the same success as this year. With the ongoing support of Apex Dynamics, the team is ready to push the boundaries of energy-efficient car design even further. A special thanks goes out to Reinis, Jules, Peter, Arnav, Milos, Sam, and Cian for their invaluable support and contribution to building the car and the race.

The sponsorship of Apex Dynamics was more than just financial support; it was a partnership that stimulated innovation, fostered a strong team dynamic, and ultimately led to victory in the ECO Marathon. Their belief in our team’s potential and their commitment to supporting young engineers have left a lasting impact, inspiring future generations to push the limits of automotive technology.