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Stainless steel gearboxes with ATEX certificate for Tanis Confectionery

Gearboxes for a high-quality safe candy production line, ATEX, Stainless and Food Grade; aimed at the demanding American market.
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Servosoft database with Apex gearboxes, racks and pinions

Our gearboxes, racks and pinions are now included in ServoSoft, the indispensable tool for calculating servo systems.
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Industrial sewing machine with our rack end gearbox

A machine for stitching cinema screens over a length of 15.5 meters, Panasonic Industry, together with Apex Dynamics, found a solution for Habraken.
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High torque flange gearbox: AP series

The high precision AP High Torque low backlash gearbox performes up to 30% more torque than other high quality gearboxes.
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Pinion on shaft for mounting on hollow shaft gearbox

APEX Dynamics enables compact right angle drive by mounting pinion on fixed shaft to hollow shaft gearbox. Let us help you to make the rigth choice.
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APEX Dynamics calculates rack and pinion accuracy

What determines the ideal accuracy of a rack and pinion drive? You can calculate this accuracy yourself or ask APEX Dynamics.
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Gearbox seal: FKM or NBR ?

Is a FKM or NBR the best seal for a gearbox? With this article we give you the option to choose for yourself the best option.
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Planetary gearbox for an Amsterdam environmental friendly cargo moped

Planetary gearbox is an ideal transmission for the power of a 5kw BLDC engine when mounted on a cargo moped. The evidence is driving around in Amsterdam.
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Curvic Plate prevents replacement of complete gearbox

Innovation from APEX Dynamics increases maintainability of new bending machine Dynobend, an interview with Mark Luttikhuis from Dynobend and Thom van Oss.
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From a “stupid” gearbox to an “intelligent” drive

When do I have to replace a gearbox? Many customers replace a gearbox after a certain number of production hours. Upon inspection, the gearbox then appears to show no wear or damage. However, the g...
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Gearbox in innovative, hybrid Quad for the military

What are the benefits of a hybrid quad compared to a normal quad for the military? It reduces noise, requires less fuel & is also sustainable
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Unique Specifications of a Cleanroom Gearbox

Cleanroom conditions need special demands on the material, the design and lubrication of a gearbox. What options do you have?
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Dutch National Opera & Ballet chooses our whisper-quiet gearboxes

Dutch National Opera & Ballet opted for the whisper-quiet gearboxes from the ATB- and AE-series from Apex Dynamics for the set of two productions
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Design Tool simplifies Timesavers’ choice for our gearbox

Timesavers chooses the optimal gearbox servo motor combination online, Apex delivered quickly and adjusted as desired so that no time was lost.
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Front-plate with slotted holes for flexible gearbox mounting

In certain applications you prefer to align the gearbox after mounting. A front plate with slotted holes offers a solution.
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AFX and AFH gearboxes for special applications

Apex Dynamics expands its product range with two series of high-quality gearboxes, developed for high-dynamic applications: The AFX and AFH series.
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Apex Dynamics is extending range of flange gearboxes

Our gearboxes are an excellent replacement for other brand gearboxes. Therefore we create the right product to fit the right demand
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Maintenance on the gearboxes of URE13, essential

Part of building a Formula Student race car is maintaining it. Especially the gearboxes are inspected thourough to be ready for the new season
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Binary ratio for high-quality gearboxes, available immediately

Our high-end gearbox series AB and AF are immediately expanded with different binary transfer ratios in response to current market demand.
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Gearbox is crucial in asparagus harvesting robot

Challenging asparagus harvest easier thanks to unique Dutch harvesting robot with Apex Dynamics gearbox in the heart of the drive.
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